This exposition is a web of exercises which have been part of different participatory performances, -installations and -workshops. The projects were undertaken during the years of 2014–2019 and are part of my artistic pedagogical research about the potential of exercises in live art. By extricating exercises from their original context and placing them in a rhizomatic map alongside other exercises, I want to examine exercises as an important tool in creating the future of live art and new realities. A tool that can be used to create new performance art works and imagining the future. The exercises in live art pedagogy has potentials in imagining and creating new realities. Each exercise can also have value as an artwork in themselves, as a performance event score.
The exercises in this exposition can be looked upon as traces of earlier works, and by cross-contextualising the exercises I look for how they are interrelated and what the materiality or technique of an exercise can be. In this cross-contextualising I look for the agency of the different exercises. I have selected the active performative agents that best characterise fo the exercises. These are the formulation, objects, performer, audience, place, and time as such agents.