Kate McCallum

United Kingdom, United States (residence), United Kingdom (citizenship) °1987
research interests: Art practice as research, linguistics, linguistic pragmatics, abstraction, mathematical thought, art and science, art and technology, artistic research, ethnography
affiliation: University of Brighton

I am an artist, curator and PhD student living and working in Brighton, the UK and Oregon, the USA.


I am working towards a PhD, funded by the TECHNE AHRC consortium, which uses a synthesis of concepts from art, mathematics and linguistic pragmatics to explore the part played by physicality in the communication of mathematics. The aim is to observe, as an outsider, how one mathematician explains their work to another, and so to present insights that can open up exchange across the borders of the discipline.


You can follow me on ResearchGate or Academia.edu, and see my growing research blog at infiltratemathematics.wordpress.com.


My latest publication is a co-authored paper with Ian O'Loughlin entitled "The aesthetics of theory selection and the logics of art", which can now be seen among the just accepted papers at Philosophy of Science (https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/pdfplus/10.1086/701953). 


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