Gustav Kvaal

Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design
Norway °1968
research interests: illustration, illustration techniques, animation, editorial design, virtual reality
affiliation: Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design University of Bergen


Gustav Kvaal i samarbeid med Torkell Bernsen

 Inside the Narrative


The research project, Inside the Narrative, derives its name and focus from the narrative point of view of the VR media. The project has its academic position in visual communication at the Faculty of Arts, Music and Design at the University of Bergen. The project's connection to professional fields such as illustration, animation and graphic design gives us a unique opportunity to help bring forth new perspectives and voices in VR storytelling that may  differ from, for example, the engineering field, the computer games industry, journalism, medicine or the film industry. Knowledge from subject areas related to picture books, animation, editorial design, typography, or interaction design are examples of possible inputs into the exploration of VR technology's potential for these fields.



  • Snowys jul (08/04/2019)
    Art object: Movie, Kvaal Production as, artist(s)/author(s): Gustav Kvaal
    It looks like it will be a very sad Christmas for the little puppy Snowy this year. After loosing both his mum and his home, the lost little puppy is now all alone in the world. On Christmas Eve, the two children, Petter and Thea find the freezing little puppy alone in the woods. They now have to find a nice new home for Snowy quickly, as Christmas day is just around the corner.
  • The old man (08/04/2019)
    Art object: Movie, Kvaal Production as, artist(s)/author(s): Gustav Kvaal
    Dette er historien om den amorøse gamle mannen og hans virkelighetsflukt. Vi blir med ned i hans badekar og inn i hans drømmeverden. Han er ikke alene. Med store øyne svømmer den gamle mannen innover i dette "drømmenes teater". Uten å selv merke det glir han lengre og lengre inn i sine egne drømmers verden.