Representing Birdsong in Messiaen's Organ Music [Representing Birdsong in Messiaens Organ Music - 2020-05-15 09:13]
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): J.P.T. Lanooy
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Birdsong plays an important part within the complete oeuvre of Olivier Messiaen. In the majority of his works, he incorporated songs and calls of real-life birds. In this exposition, the accuracy of those bird incorporations is investigated through analyzing two birds of the 'Communion' of the 'Messe de la PentecĂ´te': the blackbird and nightingale, In other words, to what extent Messiaen's 'musical' birds correspond to their real-life counterparts? Besides, I have discussed how to represent those birds on a Dutch eighteenth-century organ and which compromises you have to make with regard to organ stops.