Simon Gilbertson

Norway (residence), United Kingdom (citizenship)
research interests: multiplicity, materialization, music, care, devices of sensing, the in visible society, cross-professional immersion
affiliation: Faculty of Fine Arts, Music and Design, University of Bergen

Simon Gilbertson is Associate Professor, Music Therapy, Grieg Academy, University of Bergen, Norway. Since his foundational training as a performer/composer, and then qualifying as a music therapist in 1993 he has since worked as an educator, researcher and therapist, in universities and therapy settings in England, Germany, Ireland and Norway with children and adults with unique developmental and health biographies.

He is a member of the Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre and is on the Editorial Board of The Arts in Psychotherapy and is a past Associate Editor for the Nordic Journal of Music Therapy. Simon is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of The Grieg Research School for Interdisciplinary Music Studies and linked to the Inter-professional Education Program in Primary Health Care at the University of Bergen. He is currently a member of the Philosophy of Mind Research Group, The Group for LGBTI Research at UiB, and the Teaching and Learning Research Group at UiB. During the Covid-19 pandemic Simon has been a member of the voluntary 'Frontrunners' group developing and sharing knowledge and techniques related to online, hybrid and hi-flex education at UiB.

Because of his educational, practice and research experiences and interests, Simon’s work is characterised not by a specific method or theme, but by a flexible navigation of methods and techniques to facilitate a widening and more expansive attention to significance rather than popularity. It is fascination, not finance, that drives his inquisitiveness, he likes a good giggle and he is not too fussy from where, what or whom inspiring ideas come from. Quite the opposite.


research expositions

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research expositions (collaborated)

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