Chrysoula Panagiotopoulou
Finland (residence), Greece (citizenship) °1988
research expositions
Discovering a Personal Sonic Identity through Collaborative Intercultural Music Making
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Chrysoula Panagiotopoulou
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This exposition is an attempt to gain deeper understanding of the factors contributing to the formation of an artistic identity by unfolding the process of music making with a transcultural band. The focus of the study is the identification of the elements that form a musical identity, the development of a language and the cultivation of the artistic expression by embedding elements from other cultures.The cases used for this exposition are fragments of the work done within the framework of the author's bachelor concert for the Global Music Programme of the Sibelius Academy. The process of working on the material, with all four members of the band, lasted about nine months and the concert took place in Helsinki in May 2019