this is not a garden
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Lisa Hinterreithner
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
No garden, no oasis, no idyllic and lavishly green scenery, but a potentially sensual and strange retreat for humans and plants. In This is not a garden, a human-vegetal utopian vision and dystopian reality seem to overlap. A ground floor space in a dusky atmosphere invites us to engage with and embrace that which is vegetal. A place to live life at a slower pace, a place where humans are guests and plants are in charge: sprouting, dry and dead things next to moldy, wet, and living things. The performers lay a trail to new transcorporeal arrangements. Legs connected to flowers, bottoms, leaves, heads, stems, hands, and branches. What can happen if we allow ourselves to be intimate with plants? An encounter of a different kind.
Innen - draußen : Innen - Außen Schonbezüge
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): Lisa Hinterreithner
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Wir teilen hier den ersten Teil eines Forschungsprozesses, der sich mit schützenden und den Körper umschlingenden, räumlichen Konstrukten beschäftigt. Das Research dient einer thematisch diskursiven und kritischen Kontextualisierung einer Performance-Installation, für die Objekte entwickelt werden, die menschliche Körper in ihrer Singularität oder in kleinen Gruppen „umschlingen“. Dabei denken wir diese Umhüllungen für menschliche und nicht-menschliche Körper im Kontext des feministischen Care-Diskurses.
We share here the first part of a research process that deals with protective and body-enveloping spatial constructs. The research serves a thematically discursive and critical contextualization of a performance installation, for which objects are developed that "envelop" human bodies in their singularity or in small groups. In doing so, we think about these coverings for human and non-human bodies in the context of the feminist care discourse.