please wait behind the red line (2011/2021)
(last edited: 2021)
author(s): Peter Norrman
connected to: Konstfack - University of Arts, Crafts and Design
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
The exposition "please wait behind the red line (2011/2021)" is an attempt at taking a set of unearthed and found low resolution images and giving them new meaning and importance. And as an extension, they become an archive. The images were made in one specific time. I found them many years later, already removed from their original intent. By using them as a departure point for an art work in 2011 I connected them by happenstance back to their original usage. And by returning to them once again in 2021 they become a way for me to make new work out of existing work, to explore the airport as a place for stories, and to connect and reflect on aspects of photographic practices as well as my own practice which, in many ways, is situated in both the still and the moving image. I have increasingly been searching for ways to experiment with and to find new strategies to expand on what the documentary can be, how to work with real-life material, and to offer new readings, constructions and narratives. Making new work out of previous work exploring different layers of time are of interest and create new openings for contextualizing.
This unintentional archive is reworked it into an artist book, possibly in box form. From found homemade CD to a unique box as a small, gentle gesture, intervention and artistic response. Parts of the book is presented in the exposition. A PDF of a full first rough of the book will be accessible for download.
The images in this archive are all security and ID images created for the identification purposes of visitors to a now decommissioned former international airport in Cork, Ireland. They are pilots, stewardesses, construction workers, duty-free employees, family members. In addition I am interested in what happens when images are renegotiated from their initial purpose and to give multiple readings and contexts to a simple set of found images.