Steffen Schleiermacher


Exposition: Armenian Fingerprints (23/06/2019) by Mariam Kharatyan
Steffen Schleiermacher 15/04/2020 at 12:14

Hi, Mariam

thanks for the article about Komitas' music, i just found while preparing a recording of some Bartók and Komitas music. It helps me to understand and play the music. Interesting ideas about using the pedals (e.g. the middle pedal) - I will try it too!

By the way - I think it's a mistake in the print in Het et Aray with the pedal indication starting bar 12. I'm sure, that the right pedal is to be held 12-13 and 17-19, The bars between should be dry - otherwise the detailed articulation and so on would have no sense - as you have written…

Very helpful is the demonstration of the folk instruments.

Thank you.


Best regards
