Ruby Wallis

Ireland (residence) °1975


Ruby has a practice-based PhD in fine art from the  National College of Art & Design, Dublin (NCAD).She completed an M.A. in Documentary Photography in 2007 at The University of Wales. In 2016 she was on residency at The Irish Museum of Modern Art and was selected for Belfast Exposed Futures. Recent exhibitions include solo shows at the Burren College of Art (Co. Clare), Pallas Projects (Dublin), and The Dock (Carrick-on-Shannon). Group shows include: The Gallery of Photography (Dublin), 126- Artists run gallery (Galway), Galerie du Faouëdic (France), The Lab (Dublin), Centro de Artes Visuais, Coimbra, (Portugal), Vondelbunker (Amsterdam), and Ffotogallery (Cardiff).  Publications include the Journal of Artistic Research (Switzerland), Super Massive Blackhole Magazine (Dublin) and the British Journal of Photography (UK).



research expositions