
The rise of the tuba in the first orchestral repertoire (2016)

Stefan Knuijt
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Name: Stefan Knuijt Main subject: Tuba Research supervisor: Pete Saunders Title of Research: The rise of the tuba in the first orchestral repertoire Research question: How did the tuba and its use develop in the first orchestral repertoire. Summary of Results: The tuba was invented in 1835 by Moritz and Wieprecht. There are 2 main reasons for the invention in this time period: the start of the romantic period (composers were looking for new ‘ways’ and also new instruments) and the industrial revolution (without the right machines it is impossible to build a tuba). So around this time the technical possibilities and the “composers’ psychology” were exactly right to invent the tuba. The most important ancestors of the tuba are the serpent and the ophicleide. The serpent was a wooden instrument with holes and the ophicleide a brass instrument with keys. They both don’t have valves so the invention of the valves was an important development. One of the first pieces that are written for tuba is Wagner’s Ein Faust Overture. To see the change from ophicleide to tuba it is interesting to analyze also some pieces with opicleide parts, like Wagner’s Rienzi, Berlioz’ Symphonie Fantastique and Mendelssohn’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. The register in ophicleide parts is generally higher than in tuba parts (and even lower in contrabass tuba parts, like Wagner’s Rheingold). Also the doublings and the role of ophicleide can be different than the role of the tuba. The ophicleide is more a bass instruments for woodwinds while the tuba is more connected to the brass. Biography: Stefan Knuijt, born on 15 September 1992 in Nieuw -en Sint Joosland, started playing the baritone when he was 8 years old. He studied this instrument at the “Zeeuwse Muziekschool” in Middelburg, with René Passenier. When he was 9 years old, he started to play the piano. Until 2009 he studied piano and composition with Leen de Broekert, also at the “Zeeuwse Muziekschool”. After this Stefan continues his piano courses with Rien Balkenende. He studied composition from 2009 to 2011 at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, with Calliope Tsoupaki and from 2010 to 2016 tuba with Hendrik Jan Renes at this Conservatoire.
typeresearch exposition
last modified23/08/2016
statuslimited publication
share statusprivate
licenseAll rights reserved
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue3. Internal publication

Simple Media

id name copyright license
256344 master research Stefan Knuijt All rights reserved
255981 The rise of the tuba in the first orchestral repertoire Stefan Knuijt All rights reserved
252764 master research Knuijt All rights reserved
252759 Appendix III; Kastner Kastner All rights reserved
252756 Appendix II; Kastner Kastner All rights reserved
252751 Appendix I; Bevan Bevan All rights reserved
252749 Appendix IV-VI Bevan, Kastner, Knuijt All rights reserved
226980 master research deadline preliminary version stefan knuijt All rights reserved

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