
Dialogical Structures (last edited: 2021)

Torben Körschkes, Ina Römling
no media files associated
open exposition

About this exposition

As a nomadic communication practice, the Dialogical Structures explore alternative forms of linguistic-spatial negotiations by means of dialogically designed objects and structures. In the following, we formulate a relationship between artistic practice and utopian thinking on the basis of three theses, starting from the Dialogical Structures. We try to make clear to what extent an expanded concept of space and speculative artistic research, methodically brought together, form practices of imagination.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsspatial design, politics, utopia, design, space, artistic research
last modified28/02/2021
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightHEFT (Ina Römling, Torben Körschkes)
licenseAll rights reserved


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