
Classical harp pieces as audio-visual works (2022)

Liucile Vilimaite

About this exposition

The phenomenon of interdisciplinarity between music and visual art is slowly taking over the contemporary music scene. Audio-visual works can be encountered more and more these days, however that happens more rarely in the classical, especially harp music world. The author of the research is exploring the possibilities of using video projections together with classical harp pieces with the intention of enhancing the listener’s experience and making harp music more approachable for new audiences that do not usually go to such concerts. The research exposition consists out of two parts: in the first one some of the existing 20th and 21st centuries audio-visual works are being analysed with a deeper focus on the relation between the image and sound and how it is perceived by the spectator; while the second part describes the process and findings of a collaboration with three different video artists. In the end this collaboration results in three different video projections that are created for three known 20th century harp pieces: J. Cage’s “In a Landscape”, B. Britten’s “Suite for harp op. 83” and L. Berio’s “Sequenza no. II”.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsmultimedia, harp compositions, video performance, music and video, audio-visual works
last modified11/07/2022
statuslimited publication
share statusshared in portal(s):
copyrightLiucilė Uršulė Vilimaitė
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue3. Internal publication

Simple Media

id name copyright license
1433044 Berio sketch Lukas Dovydėnas All rights reserved
1433068 Cage eskizas Miglė Markulytė All rights reserved
1433090 Britten sketch Anas Qadamani All rights reserved
1519700 vibes_11zon Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1519708 vibes_11zon(1) Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1519723 vibes L.U.V. CC BY-NC-ND
1519728 title in black Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1519747 title video in black Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1519759 title video in black_bigger Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1539369 Research question Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1539529 sub-question Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1539731 table of contents Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1539743 introduction Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1542340 <— arrow Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1542352 arrow —> Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1542362 part 1 Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1542369 part 2 Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1542376 disney's Fantasia Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1542380 exploring modern day Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1542392 the journey towards Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1542436 ilga arrow —> Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1542464 ilga arrow v L.U.V. CC BY-NC-ND
1542547 <— ilga arrow Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1542762 Berio beginning Lukas Dovydėnas, Miriam Overlach CC BY-NC-ND
1543444 Cage full Miglė Markulytė, Liucilė Vilimaitė CC BY-NC-ND
1543495 Overture beginning Anas Qadamani, Gabriella Dall'Olio CC BY-NC-ND
1543566 conclusions Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND
1546658 sources Liucile Vilimaite CC BY-NC-ND

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