
Emperor's Violin Consort (2022)

Clara Sawada
no media files associated
open exposition

About this exposition

Violin consorts were an essential part of the musical life in the Habsburg court in the 17h century. Nowadays, its music is rarely performed and remains rather unknown by violinists and audiences. The goal of this research is not only to bring attention to this music, but also to bring light in some aspects of its performance and the problems one may face when trying to perform it. The research is divided in 3 parts: the first is a contextualization of the musical life of the 17th Vienna; the second is the about the history of the violin consort itself and some performance aspects of its practice such as instrumentation and style. The third part is a case study of a project done in June of 2021, under the restrictions of the pandemic of Covid-19. In this chapter I talk about the difficulties I faced, from instrumentation to concert venues, and the decisions I took when adaption was needed.
typeresearch exposition
last modified11/07/2022
statuslimited publication
share statusprivate
copyrightC S Sawada T Ferreira
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue3. Internal publication

Simple Media

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1433676 media6 copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
1549978 SonataJucunda copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
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1549997 BiberSerenada copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
1550002 Schmelzer6 copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
1550056 tese copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND
1550058 final copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND

comments: 1 (last entry by Inês de Avena Braga - 21/02/2022 at 15:39)