
Preliminary Version: Classical and Popular Music: a discourse into the realm that focuses on the “in between” considering electronic music as the common denominator (2022)

Antonio Azzolini
no media files associated
open exposition

About this exposition

Where do classical music end and popular music start? Is it possible to draw a clear distinction between them, and if not what is it that connects them? Are these categorisations even of any use after all? These questions arose over the course of my life and with more and more time passing and more and more work invested in this language of expression, the necessity to find an answer to these questions grew bigger. If one asks the basic question: “What is the difference between classical and popular music?” the answer might often be: “Classical music has a much higher intellectual value in comparison to popular music” and whenever I received such an answer from my peers I could not hold myself back from feeling somewhat insulted, with the compassion I had in my mind with the so-called popular music I was listening to. Regarding some music as of “lower value” than other music did not satisfy my need for an answer.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsclassical music, popular music, electronic music
last modified11/07/2022
statuslimited publication
share statusprivate
copyrightAntonio Azzolini
licenseAll rights reserved
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue3. Internal publication

Simple Media

id name copyright license
1553845 media1 copyright holder CC BY-NC-ND

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