
Music NFTs: Blockchain for Artistic Research? (last edited: 2022)

Paulo de Assis, Paolo Giudici, Adam Łukawski

About this exposition

In the last few years museums and art galleries, as well as a growing number of artists embraced Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as a new digital mode of exposing, producing, and distributing art. Based upon digitised assets, NFTs are embedded in blockchains: decentralised networks of information exchange on which different kinds of data can be stored without a centralised controlling entity. While commonly associated with cryptocurrencies and financial ledgers of transactions, blockchain technology can support many other types of data (including visual, audio, and video files). For the arts, blockchain might bring radical changes to the ways in which art is generated, communicated, disseminated, and transacted. Despite its vertiginous expansion, the blockchain revolution is happening under the radar of many people and institutions. With this seminar, the research group MetamusicX (at Orpheus Institute) launched research on NFTs in relation to artistic research. The seminar aimed at mapping the field, exploring the potential of blockchain for music creation, and launching the basis for a blockchain network at the service of artistic research.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsblockchain, NFT, artistic research, music
last modified04/07/2022
statusin progress
share statuspublic
affiliationOrpheus Institute, Ghent
copyrightPaulo de Assis, Adam Lukawski, Paolo Giudici
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
languageBritish English


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