
Multiplayer - Softenings and Inquiries into Matters of Toxoplasmatic Ectoplasm (2024)

Niels Lyhne Løkkegaard

About this exposition

This project investigates Western musical instruments as being critical and even dangerous sites, which should be approached with the greatest of caution. Approached as liminal interfaces between the living and the dead, suspended between past(s) and present(s), turning these instruments into both paranormal and parasitic sites, which should be treated as such. Instruments as pathological contaminated bodies of parasitic discourse ready to jump at you and embed themselves in you, sedimenting within you and, subsequently, playing you. Instruments as haunted sites saturated with ghostlike matters of toxoplasmatic ectoplasm, fostering ghosts with the capacity to possess and inflict pain on to other bodies, active in the past as well in the present. With an interest in the notion of instrumentalization and what instruments can mean, control, and do to bodies, instruments are approached from a safe(r) distance through different (group) interventions, raising questions on how best to emolliate and soften the instrumental body? How to soften the big silent? How to soften the sedimented?
typeresearch exposition
keywordstoxoplasma, ectoplasma, parasite, instrumentalization, decolonial, multiplayer, instrument, contextual dissonance, plasma, bloodplasma, ghost, Archeology, speculative materialism, Speculative Realism, Object Oriented Ontology, New Materialism, softening, sedimentation, saturation, oversaturation, more than human, The pied piper, pied piper, RMC staff, vampire, toxoplasmaticectoplasma, institutional critique, post-colonial, quantum entanglement, hauntology, haunted media, occultism, the big silent, le grande piano, paranormal, folding, fold, matter, Mattering
last modified01/11/2024
share statusprivate
affiliationAssociate Professor at RMC
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inRhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen
portal issue5. Staff Publications 2024
connected toRhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen
external linkwww.nielslyhne.com


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