
Creating an audiovisual performance through interdisciplinary collaboration (2024)

Sanne Bakker

About this exposition

Research exposition of Sanne Bakker, as part of her master at the Royal Conservatory of the Hague. This research started with the aim of creating a better theoretical understanding and breaking down the creation process regarding the making of performances with lights. Ultimately, it became a reflection on the performative practice of a classical musician and the interdisciplinary collaboration while making an audiovisual performance. In particular, the process of the visualization of music. Through literary research into interdisciplinarity, audiovisual performances (specifically with classical music), and by doing a musical and narrative analysis through a case study of Paul Hindemith’s Sonate für Harfe, a theoretical framework is created for collaborative preparation with a visual artist and live experimentation. This research then shows the working process and the experiments that were conducted. It concludes with a reflection on the collaboration, the final product, and how playing the harp sonata in this audiovisual setting has affected the performance of the music.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsinterdisciplinarity, audiovisual performance, music visualisation
last modified06/06/2024
share statusprivate
copyrightSanne Bakker
licenseAll rights reserved
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue1. Master Research Projects


  • Scopa, Karen, “The Development of Strategies for Interdisciplinary Collaboration from Within the Visual Arts”, 2003


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