
16th International Conference on Artistic Research, University of Porto (last edited: 2025)

16th International Conference on Artistic Research
Pedro Amado, Fabrício Fava, Margarida Dias, Paulo Luís Almeida, Camila Mangueira Soares

About this exposition

Resonance: The past decade witnessed the appearance of new debating spaces in artistic research. At a time when art and culture, local and global policies, and events are haunted by societal challenges as vast as they are unpredictable, what can artistic researchers offer in response to these concerns? How can artistic research resonate beyond its specific contexts and disciplinary borders? Resonance is a prompt to address the transformative nature of artistic research as a connective element that evokes a response and qualifies our experiences as meaningful. However, it can also be understood as a critical tool characterizedcharacterised by reciprocity and mutual transformation. Resonance is a response to personal and societal challenges both poetically and through modes of political imagination and transformative meeting spaces. Getting into resonance is to create a relation between artistic research and the world that requires questioning and answering, but also the ability to change and be changed.
typeresearch exposition
last modified13/02/2025
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightSAR / i2ADS
licenseCC BY-NC-ND


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