
The road to freedom: Thinking in activity , Music and Alexander Technique (2019)

Larissa Groeneveld

About this exposition

Name: Larissa Groeneveld Main Subject: Cello Research Supervisors: Anna Scott & Stephan van Dijk Title of Research: The road to freedom: Thinking in activity My Research Question: How can I make a connection between the core principles of AT and my own playing and teaching activities at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague ? The goal of this research project was to create a connection between the core principles of Alexander Technique (AT) and my musical practice and teaching. This was motivated by my interest and struggle to integrate this technique into my life. In order to do this, I first visited and talked with a vast number of AT teachers who are already working on this combination, I read many key books written in the field, took AT lessons on a regular basis, and clarified and reflected upon my ideas by making video recordings of my teaching activities. Finally, I came up with a series of concrete methods and exercises for applying the core principles of AT in musical contexts. I have also made a series of short videos that demonstrate some of these ideas. In doing all of this I realized what a challenge it is to remain healthy and open in an on-going process of development, especially with all the difficulties we encounter in modern life. These issues are urgent and should be taken seriously. I am now even more convinced that we can only find solutions if we ‘inhibit and direct.' Through further development I will continue to nurture and stimulate this process in the future.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsResearch by teachers of the Royal Conservatoire
last modified26/09/2019
statuslimited publication
share statusprivate
licenseAll rights reserved
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue3. Internal publication

Simple Media

id name copyright license
319086 picture of the feet in the sand L.Groeneveld All rights reserved
468526 2. lesson with Silvia Ramos Somoza, finding basic line of melodic tructure Larissa Groeneveld All rights reserved
468555 1. Alona Kliuchka, lesson finding contact Larissa Groeneveld All rights reserved
468563 3. lesson with Laura Roura Foixà right arm feedback Larissa Groeneveld All rights reserved
468576 4. lesson with Laura Roura Foixà, left hand feedback Larissa Groeneveld All rights reserved
468589 5. Laura Roura Foixà, lesson with counting out loud with left hand LArissa Groeneveld All rights reserved
468601 5.a.Laura Roura Foixà rhythm Larissa Groeneveld All rights reserved
468606 5.b. Laura Roura Foixà rhythm Larissa Groeneveld All rights reserved
468612 5.c. Laura Roura Foixà rhythm Larissa Groeneveld All rights reserved
468622 7. Laura Roura Foixà, skipping notes Larissa Groeneveld All rights reserved
468631 8. Laura Roura Foixà, Forgetting about the shift Larissa Groeneveld All rights reserved
468642 9.a. Laura Roura Foixà, Beethoven Sonate 5 Larissa Groeneveld All rights reserved
468656 9.b. Laura Roura Foixà, study of bow, separation of the two arms Larissa Groeneveld All rights reserved
468664 9.c. Laura Roura Foixà, study of bow, separation of the two arms Larissa Groeneveld All rights reserved
468675 9.d. Laura Roura Foixà, Beethoven Sonate 5 Larissa Groeneveld All rights reserved
468678 10.Laura Roura Foixà, preparing left hand without squeezing the bow Larissa Groeneveld All rights reserved
468698 semi-supine internet image https://www.google.com/search?q=semi+supine+image&client=safari&rls=en&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=ZZju9Bi56iZ48M%253A%252C9U3AeD4RVhxcOM%252C_&usg=__fd5vJ0-PENUhJz16ZTJQAhhWBgk%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjx6fXovYPbAhXFYlAKHWvCDgkQ9QEIMjAE#imgrc=ZZju9Bi56iZ48M: All rights reserved
468714 skeleton hand internet https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=GJr4Wu29Jc7IwQL4uIEI&q=skeleton+hand&oq=skeleton+hand&gs_l=img.3..0l3j0i30k1l7.350819.354122.0.354294. All rights reserved
468721 fear reflex - 1 Elizabeth Langford, Denken en Bewegen: Een handboek voor coördinatie en evenwicht (Apeldoorn: Garant, 2001) All rights reserved
469138 fear reflex - 2 E.Langford Ibid. 254-259 All rights reserved
469140 fear reflex - 3 E.Langford Ibid. 254-259 All rights reserved
469142 fear reflex - 5 E.Langford Ibid. 254-259 All rights reserved
469144 fear reflex - 4 E.Langford Ibid. 254-259 All rights reserved
469146 fear reflex - 6 E.Langford Ibid. 254-259 All rights reserved
469176 Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at 07.19.59 internet All rights reserved

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