
Portugese Polyphony XVI Century (2019)

André Cruz
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About this exposition

Name: André Cruz Main Main Subject: Early Music Singing Research Supervisor: Kate Clark Title of Research: Portuguese polyphony XVI century Research Question: What was the position of Portugal in XVI century European musical production? Summary of Results: Portugal was maybe not as important as Italy and the Low Countries on a matter of produced works, but nonetheless, Portugal did develop quite a great quantity of quality works, and was fundamental in the spreading of the polyphony and sacred music on a global scale, into three different continents, outside of Europe. 
 Biography: André Cruz (1988), tenor and choir conductor, born in Lisbon, started at a young age with piano but quickly dove into choir music. At the age of seventeen, André started with conducting and a year later began his singing studies at the conservatory in Lisbon. In 2012 he started his choir conducting bachelor education at the Conservatory of Utrecht under the guidance of Rob Vermeulen and gave his final bachelor exam in 2016. At the moment he is doing his master education in early music singing with Rita Dams, Dorothea Mields, Peter Kooij, Robin Blaze and Pascal Bertin at Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. At the end of 2016, André took part in a joint project between Royal Conservatoire and The Juilliard School of Music, resulting in a series of concerts both in the United States of America And the Netherlands under the baton of Ton Koopman. André has been/is a member of several choirs such as Lisboa Cantat Symphonic and Chamber choir, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation choir, Bachkoor Holland and 'The Sixteen' and performed, both as a chorister and as a soloist, with several other conductors such as Michel Corboz, Philippe Herreweghe, Harry Christopher and Gustavo Dudamel. In addition to his studies, André conducts the classical mixed choir Amsterdamse Händelvereniging, the choir of Church of Our Saviour, and the pop female choir 'The Lipsticks'.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsPortugal, polyphony, sacred music
last modified21/10/2019
statuslimited publication
share statusprivate
copyrightAndré Cruz Main
licenseAll rights reserved
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue3. Internal publication

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