
Quest for a Breathing Performance (2019)

Anu Vehviläinen
Anu Lampela

About this exposition

In this exposition, I study the concept of ‘experimentation’ in artistic research. I describe how the interdisciplinary collaboration of the Silence Ensemble influenced a violin-piano recital through both conscious and unintentional experimentation. The focus of the experimentation is on the ‘now-moment’. A detailed explanation of the technical practicing process before the concert is also offered to introduce the experimental approach. To define my individual experimentation, I refer to experimentation studies in artistic research and especially to Bart Vanhecke’s concepts of experimentation ‘in’ and ‘through’ art.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsnow-moment, experimentation, pianistic expertise
last modified23/05/2019
share statusprivate
affiliationSibelius Academy
licenseAll rights reserved
published inRUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
portal issue11. How to do Things with Performance


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