
Strategies of Fiction (2019)

Stephen Bain

About this exposition

Fictional Worlds as Structures for Public Space Performance is an exposition that fractures into multiple parts, text, performance, spatial design, and creative writing. Fiction is seen as a device for creating shared experience, a familiar process in the performing arts but also observed in the public domain of politics, where a key example is taken to discuss the dynamics of how fiction may be both symbol and action. Relating aesthetics to politics through fiction as a method, a collective influence is confirmed by the event. Fiction is split into various strategies in a poetic reflection on archetypes of space, proposed as 8 distinct fiction-types that open the way for common understanding. Using the format of a screenplay, 8 types are fleshed out and supported by reflections on influential international artworks and theories. Finally these types are used as a tool to analyse my own public space performance experiments in Auckland, New Zealand.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsfiction, performance, public space, event, truth
last modified23/05/2019
share statusprivate
affiliationUniversity of Tasmania
licenseAll rights reserved
published inRUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
portal issue11. How to do Things with Performance

Simple Media

id name copyright license
486430 abyss_residue Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486431 hands_empathy Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486432 hands_resistance Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486433 Labyrinth_transposition Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486435 ladder_parody Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486436 monumentmythology Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486437 square_value_creation Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486438 sticks_possible_worlds Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486502 Baby where Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486503 borders Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486504 cones Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486505 extraordinary Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486506 Inflatables Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486507 Ministry of Kindness Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486508 Monster Anderlecht Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486509 rue de flandres Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486510 rue de flandres2 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486514 smoking Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486515 whistling Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486517 Best Friends Forever Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486526 smoking2 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486538 Floating Theatre Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486564 The Floating Theatre Stephen Bain All rights reserved
486697 Kim & Trump creative commons All rights reserved
487748 Anderlect monster Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492075 Baby whereInside Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492286 Mashid1 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492296 Baby, where are the fine things you promised me? Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492300 floating theatre interior Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492303 whau river, avondale copy Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492305 jenny mcarthur Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492307 kids watching Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492308 House Giants Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492309 House_realestate Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492313 Note Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492315 solomon Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492317 Extra ordinary folk Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492319 Extra ordinary folk2 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492321 Monstrous Fredrichstein2 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492325 Canal Brussels Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492328 smoking vs non-smoking Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492330 inflatables2 stephen Bain All rights reserved
492332 inflatables4 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492335 Sequence 1 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492336 margins2 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492339 cow - rue de flandres Stephen Bain All rights reserved
492340 record - rue de flandres Stephen Bain All rights reserved
566567 Stephen Bain Stephen Bain All rights reserved
566568 yellow Stephen Bain All rights reserved
566569 red colour Stephen Bain All rights reserved
566570 blue Stephen Bain All rights reserved
566571 green Stephen Bain All rights reserved
566654 colours Stephen Bain All rights reserved
566682 colours3 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
566685 colours2 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
566897 line Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567255 glove1 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567257 reside no shadow Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567285 quote box1 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567318 Smoking no white Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567522 Ladder1 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567535 Ladder framed Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567666 candles Clean WonB Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567671 labyrinth2 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567677 sticks sketch Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567681 monument sketch Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567686 Abyss sketch Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567690 Square frame Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567691 Square sketch Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567695 hands sketch Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567706 abyss frame Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567707 Monster Anderlecht Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567709 Canal Brussels Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567710 Monstrous Fredrichstein2 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
567711 monster anderlecht Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568177 floating framed Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568190 fieldworks Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568194 borders Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568197 smokers Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568218 baby Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568225 Ministry of Kindness Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568230 Monster Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568238 Rue de Flandres Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568323 timeline Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568334 labyrinth3 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568424 hole Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568803 Labyrinth frame1 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568804 hands frame Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568808 abyss frame Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568810 abyss frame Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568828 timeline2 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568830 Empathy candles frame Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568850 Square frame Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568863 Monument frame Stephen Bain All rights reserved
568879 Sticks frame Stephen Bain All rights reserved
569085 timeline3 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
569101 cone Stephen Bain All rights reserved
569102 sticks2 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
569107 resistance2 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
569108 Sticks frame2 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
569109 abyss_residue Stephen Bain All rights reserved
569110 absence2 frame Stephen Bain All rights reserved
569111 mythology2 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
569112 transposition2 Stephen Bain All rights reserved
569113 value creation3 Stephen Bain All rights reserved

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