
Master Research Paper - Yoga Without the Mat (2015)

Elizabeth Marr
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Main Subject: Classical Flute Research Coach: Andrew Wright Research questions: - What elements of Hatha yoga are beneficial to flute playing? - How can I adapt and present elements of Hatha Yoga to create a practical teaching/practice resource that can be used by myself, other flautists and teachers of all levels to improve posture, breathing and flute playing in general? Summary of Results: Yoga has long been known for its far reaching benefits, not only physically but spiritually. Translated it means: union of body and mind, and even from this translation one can immediately make connections with the aspirations of a musician. As musicians, our goal is to perform to the best of our abilities, requiring us to perfect the unification of our body (technique) and mind (musical intentions). My research has delved deeper into this already formed link, however focusing on its particular relevance to flautists. Why? For one main reason. My research is based on Hatha Yoga and two of its eight limbs (elements) are asanas (physical postures) and pranayama (breath control). Posture and breathing are at the core of every flautists technique, with both having equal influence on the sound produced, more so than any other instrument. In this presentation we shall explore these two limbs as I have, and whether specific asanas and pranayama exercises can be shown to be particularly beneficial to flautists. As a flautist who has been struggling with negative comments on posture for years, yoga has been a revelation for me and I wanted to bring this to others, however making it more accessible, relevant and easy for anyone to include as part of their practice. Additionally we shall look into the three other limbs my research covered: pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses from objects); dharana (concentration); and niyama (observances) and how my general day-to-day life and practice as a flautist and musician has improved through my research of them. Biography: Elizabeth Marr, born in Aberdeen, graduated with a First Class Honours BMus Degree and LTCL with Distinction from TrinityLaban CMD in London (2013) studying flute with Anna Noakes, Margaret Campbell and Alan Baker (piccolo). She is currently completing her Masters at the KonCon studying with Thies Roorda and Dorine Schade (piccolo). Recently Elizabeth has won a place on the extra list for Principal Flute with the Birmingham Royal Ballet Orchestra, performed with the AKOM Ensemble, Camerata Scotland alongside the Hebrides Ensemble and the International Opera Theatre company (premiering opera Camille Claudel). Recent masterclasses include with Peter-Lukas Graf and Emily Beynon.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsflute, yoga, posture, breathing
last modified02/06/2015
statuslimited publication
share statusprivate
licenseAll rights reserved
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue3. Internal publication

Simple Media

id name copyright license
136578 Master Research Paper - Yoga Without the Mat - Elizabeth A. Marr Elizabeth A. Marr All rights reserved
136516 Master Research Paper - Yoga Without the Mat - Elizabeth A. Marr Elizabeth A. Marr All rights reserved
136377 Abstract - Yoga Without the Mat - Elizabeth A. Marr Elizabeth A. Marr All rights reserved
136374 Abstract - Yoga Without the Mat - Elizabeth A. Marr Elizabet All rights reserved
136372 Master Research Paper - Yoga Without the Mat - Elizabeth A. Marr Elizabeth A. Marr All rights reserved

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