
The Limits of Traverso; Exploring the sound possibilities of traverso through contemporary music (2020)

Dorota Matejova
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open exposition

About this exposition

In ‘early music’ performance today ΄sound΄ does not get as much attention as other expressive devices, even though the sound was an inseparable part of expression in music performance in 18th century. This research attempts to explore the traverso and its expressive sound possibilities when placed in the field of contemporary music. The tonal capabilities of the traverso will be viewed from the perspectives of both 18th century sources and modern-day ΄early΄ and ΄classical music practice΄. The research considers what have sometimes been seen as the instrument´s “limitations” and "imperfections", asking how they could be positively exploited in contemporary music. At the same time, so-called ‘extended techniques ’for the modern flute are explored on the baroque flute, by a study and performance of two contemporary compositions for traverso solo. At the end, I will be looking at how this untraditional perception of traverso sound could open up our expressive imagination in performance of the traditional 18th century traverso repertoire. The research hopes to bring some new inspirations for traverso players as well as other ΄early music΄ performers, and to clarify the distinctive role of sound as an expressive device in early instruments. It also hopes to inspire composers to write more contemporary acoustic music using the specific sonority of this instrument. The presentation will be given in the form of performance-lecture.
typeresearch exposition
keywordstraverso, contemporary music, sound, sonority, early music performance, experimentation, Instruments & Techniques
last modified04/06/2020
share statusprivate
copyrightDorota Matejová
licenseAll rights reserved
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue1. Master Research Projects

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comments: 1 (last entry by Kate Clark - 24/02/2020 at 21:31)