
The Viola da gamba in German Baroque Opera (2015)

Susanne Herre
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open exposition

About this exposition

The Holy Roman Empire ('Teutschland'/'Germania') – a loose alliance of more than a thousand territories with its Imperial court in Vienna - was a monstrous complex of political and cultural diversity. Its nobility – Princes, Electors and even the Emperor himself - highly appreciated the viola da gamba as a refined musical instrument, and learning to play it commonly formed part of their education from childhood onwards. Often, they were themselves involved in the preparation of major musical events such as the performances of operas which were the high points of festivities, such as Carnival, birthdays, and name days. While the Viennese court favoured Italian opera and employed a large number of Italian artists, quite a number of Italian and German composers also came into contact with the French style during study visits to Paris or through French colleagues employed at German courts. Thus, Baroque opera in Germany is mainly Italian at heart but also absorbs other elements such as German counterpoint and the French style. To relate the viola da gamba to opera performed in 'Germania' may at first sight seem surprising as we would associate it rather with chamber music and in the case of vocal music mainly with sacred cantatas, especially funeral music. The research process has shown that the viola da gamba indeed played a role in German baroque opera. New discoveries of pieces from operas and opera-like works performed at German courts such as Hanover, Düsseldorf, Dresden and Berlin demonstrate the varied use of the viola da gamba as an obbligato instrument, solo or in combination with other instruments, and as basso continuo instrument.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsviola da gamba, opera, Germany
last modified26/05/2015
statuslimited publication
share statusprivate
licenseAll rights reserved
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue3. Internal publication

Simple Media

id name copyright license
138070 ThesisSusanneHerre Susanne Herre All rights reserved
105598 preliminarypaper Susanne Herre All rights reserved
103543 Proposal-1 Susanne Herre All rights reserved
103542 WienerHof ? All rights reserved
103449 cesti-pomo ? All rights reserved
103442 susanne susanne All rights reserved

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