
A new language for cities (last edited: 2020)

Emma Harriet Austin Creed

About this exposition

A new language for cities is an exploration into how Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and New Media (XR) can help to make art more inclusive through re-introducing it into everyday life, allowing audiences to consider the environment around them in new, playful, immersive and interactive ways. Cities are living organisms in the sense that no matter our intentions when working with architecture and urban planning, we cannot guarantee how a certain space or environment will be used. The purpose and use of a space is dependent on the people who inhabit it, not those that create it. As such, each corner of a city has a story to tell. The daily interactions of the people who live and work there leave a mark that creates an intimate narrative around what it means to live a life. As an artist I am interested in exploring both what has alienated people to different forms of art and also encouraged them to engage with it. I believe that XR has the possibility to play with the reality of how people will interact with a city, exploring historical and current narratives to reconnect alienated audiences with art by literally bringing it to them.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsvirtual reality, augmented reality, artistic research, art, city life, city planning, Access to Spaces, Accessibility
last modified27/05/2020
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightEmma Creed
licenseAll rights reserved


comments: 1 (last entry by katta pålsson - 20/05/2020 at 18:20)