
Effects of visual instructions in one-on-one violin lessons (2021)

Mauro Smorto

About this exposition

Starting from my personal teaching experience, I have been studying the effect of visual instructions on my violin pupils. With a detailed analysis of the interactions between students and teacher and the help of 36 observation sheets, I could finally see the effects of enhancing visuals on student’s musical learning. All conclusions were drawn after taking into account specific studies mentioned in the theoretical framework and with respect to the observations made by three external experts. This research found further evidence of the link between visualization and critical thinking as well.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsvisualisation, violin, instrumental technique, Music Education
last modified14/01/2021
share statusprivate
copyrightMauro Smorto 2020
licenseAll rights reserved
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue1. Master Research Projects

Simple Media

id name copyright license
914044 Thesis Mauro Smorto 2020 - VIsual instructions in violin education Mauro Smorto All rights reserved
914049 Thesis Mauro Smorto 2020 - VIsual instructions in violin education Mauro Smorto All rights reserved

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