
Hinges of correlation: Spatial devices of social coexistence (2015)

Espen Lunde Nielsen

About this exposition

This project investigates the coexistence of and the correlation between the inhabitants within my apartment building, using artistic practices and my own lived experience. These everyday spaces form the primary interface between the individual and the larger social entity of the city. Consciously, or partly unknowingly, one interacts with others through spatial demarcations, using embedded spatial devices (such as squeaking floorboards, peepholes, mailboxes, etc.) that project life and the presence of other people through sound, light, or matter. Most of these devices are partly unintended, often serve other practical functions, and go unnoticed – but nevertheless hold a latent spatial potential for a recalibration of the social dimension of the city and an architecture to come. This exposition features a combination of photography, 3D laser scans, and creative writing, followed by a written account of the practice.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsarchitecture, social coexistence, peephole camera, photography, cities, space design, 3D scanning, infraordinary, critical spatial practices, urbanism, creative writing, apartment building, socio-spatial dimension
last modified31/08/2015
share statusshared with registered RC users
affiliationAarhus School of Architecture, PhD-project 'Architectural Probes of the Infraordinary'
licenseAll rights reserved
published inJournal for Artistic Research
portal issue8.


comments: 1 (last entry by Paul Landon - 31/07/2015 at 20:33)