Barbara Wolfram

Austria (residence)
affiliation: Film Academy Vienna at the mdw – University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Barbara Wolfram holds a PhD from the Film Academy Vienna/ mdw and a Master’s degree in Psychology from the University of Vienna. In her dissertation she was researching about on-Screen representations of Gender and Diversity in Austrian Feature Films. In her PostDoc she co-leads the Artistic Research Project Building Bridges in Polarized Societies by means of Art and Research. Film - Wien - ArbeiterInnenmileu- Rechtspopulismus funded by the City of Vienna (MA7) where she and Paulus Wagner research about the consolidating effect of the medium film in polarized societies. In her second PostDoc project Barbara researches on Cinematic Autosociobiographies in the PEEK project (FWF): Confronting Realities. Working on Cinematic Autosociobiographies.

Barbara has conducted international research and study stays at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, at the film school ENS Louis Lumiére, Paris and at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. In addition to her academic work, she is a theatre and film director and artistic director of the international theatre company .EVOLve, which she co-founded (including Volkstheater Wien, Schauspielhaus Wien). On the side, Barbara podcasts with Bianca J. Rauch about Gender and Diversity portrayal and Representation in their film studies podcast Ned wuascht - wir geh'n fisch'n and is politically active at KILL the TRAUERspiel, an initiative that works for more gender justice and diversity on Austrian stages. / /


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