
Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (Sitting in a Pine) (28/06/2019)

Annette Arlander

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About this video

This video is part of "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood" performed and recorded in Stockholm between 15 February 2018 and 3rd February 2019. The brief version, with 10 second clips is called "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (Sitting in a Pine) mini" (16 min. 50 sec.), here included as a very small file. The version with 1-minute clips of each image, made for exhibitions, is called "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (Sittin g in a Pine )" (1 h 40 min. 10 sec.). The full-length video "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (Sitting in a Pine) 1-3" consists of three parts, 1. (2h 16 min 46 sec), 2. (2 h 49 min 6 sec) and 3. (2 h 58 min 5sec). The video essay "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (Sitting in a Pine) - with text" (16 min. 50 sec.), is here added as a small file.
keywordsperforming with plants, tree, pine, sitting in a tree, year
copyrightAnnette Arlander