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ARF - a long story

The Artistic Research Forum (ARF) was established by the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme as a yearly conference to promote the understanding of artistic research from a national and international perspective.

From left: Cecilie Broch Knudsen (chair of the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme board 2015-2018), Nina Malterud (central in the estatblishment of the programme), Geir Strøm (director 2014-), Inger Stray Lien (chair 2019-2022) and Asluag Nyrnes (chair 2011-2014).



Artistic Research Autumn Forum 2024 took place 22-25 October in Trondheim and online. The conference was hosted by NTNU, and did run in parallel to the NTNU Artistic Research Week. A social gathering took place at Gallery KIT on 24 October. 

Artistic Research Spring Forum 2024 took place 18-21 March in Oslo and online. The conference was hosted by Kristiania University of Applied Sciences, and did run in parallel to The 6th annual AR@K symposium: The Artist, The Ghost and the Machine. A social gathering took place at ROM for kunst og arkitektur on 19 March.



Artistic Research Autumn Forum 2023 took place 25-27 October in Oslo and digitally. The autumn 2023 marked 20 years since the establishment of the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Programme and the Norwegian Academy of Music was celebrating its 50th anniversary. We marked the round days by organizing the Artistic Research Autumn Forum together with NMH. On 25 October a social gathering took place at NMH. Former research fellows and board members of the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme and the Norwegian Artistic Research School were especially invited. This was a great opportunity to meet former and recent fellows in artistic research, as well as board members being involved in the establishment and development of the programme.

Artistic Research Spring Forum 2023 took place in Oslo at the Norwegian Film School (Inland Norway University of Applied Sceinces) and digitally. 2 project leaders and 28 fellows did present their projects. VIS - Nordic Journal of Artistic Research released #9 Of memory and public space. A draft of guidelines for atistic research ethics was presented in a streamed session.




Artistic Research Autumn Forum 2022 took place in Stavanger, at the University of Stavanger, St. Peri Church and Tou. 9 project leaders and 32 fellows did present their projects. VIS - Nordic Journal of Artistic Research released #8 Of rules and alternatives.


Artistic Research Spring Forum 2022 was a digital event. 3 project leaders and 27 fellows did present their projects. There was also a presentation of the graduate survey A door opener in the arts field and the Erasmus+-project Advancing Supervision for Artistic Research DoctoratesVIS - Nordic Journal of Artistic Research released #7 Metamorphoses – Tales of the Ever-Changing.



Artistic Research Autumn Forum 2021 took place in Trondheim and digitally and was hosted by NTNU.

Artistic Research Spring Forum 2021 was a digital event. 



Artistic Research Autumn Forum 2020 took place in Trondheim and digitally and was hosted by NTNU. The physical event was scaled down due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 


Artistic Research Spring Forum 2020 was planned to take place at Klækken outside Hønefoss, but was cancelled due to the Covid-19 outbreak. The event was organized as smaller seminars local at each of the participating institutions. 




Artistic Research Autumn Forum 2019 took place at Lillehammer and was hosted by the Norwegian Film School, Inland Norway University of Applied Science.


Artistic Research Spring Forum 2019 took place at Klækken outside Hønefoss.





Artistic Research Autumn Forum 2018 took place at Bergen and was hosted by the KMD, partly in the new building

Artistic Research Spring Forum 2018 took place at Holmsbu SPA hotell