The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

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Material for Gifts from the Sentient Forest (2024) Annette Arlander
This page is under construction It contains material created for and in the context of the research project Gifts from the Sentient Forest at the University of Lapland. See
open exposition
Pondering with Pines - Miettii Mäntyjen Kanssa - Funderar med Furor (2024) Annette Arlander
This exposition documents my explorations of pondering with pine trees. Tämä ekspositio dokumentoi yritykseni miettiä mäntyjen kanssa. Den här ekspositionen dokumenterar mina försök att fundera med furor.
open exposition
ARTikulationen 2024 (2024) Jeremy Woodruff, Elina Akselrud, Deniz Peters
ARTikulationen 2024 is an artistic research event conceived and organised by the Doctoral School for Artistic Research (KWDS) | Center for Artistic Research of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG). It takes place at Theater im Palais and AULA KUG, Graz, between 02–05 October 2024. ARTikulationen interweaves in-depth artistic research presentations, a festival character (intermezzi-performances), and a mini-symposium on the topic of research journeys between artistic and scholarly or scientific practices. Topics range from current acoustic, electroacoustic, and computer composition, historically informed and contemporary performance, to improvisation and theatre.
open exposition

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Home page JSS (2024) Journal of Sonic Studies
Home page of the Journal of Sonic Studies
open exposition
Sustainability in Performing Arts Production (2024) Johanna Garpe, Camilla Damkjaer, Markus Granqvist, Gunilla Pettersson Thafvelin, Anna Ljungqvist, Anders Larsson, Synne Behrndt, Mihra Lindblom, Anja Susa, Anders Aare, Anders Duus, Jon Refsdal Moe
The purpose of this project is to explore how we can minimize the climate impact through the way we plan, produce, and support performing arts productions. The overarching research question was: How can we continue to create relevant and innovative performing arts with a smaller climate impact? The faculty in performing arts at Stockholm University of the Arts worked with Harry Martinson's Aniara from their various disciplines.
open exposition
Att föreställa Aniara (2024) Gunilla Pettersson Thafvelin
Expositionen är en del av forskningsprojektet "Scenkonstproduktion med reducerad klimatpåverkan".
open exposition

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