Symposium in Motion - Addressing Dizziness. Navigating Possibilities in Collectives.
author(s): Ruth Anderwald, Laura Brechmann, Leonhard Grond
published in: Research Catalogue
This process-oriented working symposium discusses ways of localizing, recognizing, approaching, and countering dizziness on different scales and disciplines – from the somatic and the built environment to interspecies and post-colonial contexts. Through the prism of art, architecture, philosophy, somatics, post-colonial theory, and remembrance cultures, we aim to find ways to uncover the layers of physical, social, and architectural dizziness in historical, political, social, fictional, present, and future contexts.
Trädgårdsmästare och arkitekter: att skriva från början eller skriva från slutet: prospektiva kontra retrospektiva filmmanuspraktiker
author(s): Alexander Skantze
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
There are different ways to create a screenplay – freewriting from a spontaneous idea, or more planned with a determined end. I and three other screenwriters write two short screenplays each. I document the process and compare the screenplays. Based on a critical analysis of some classical dramaturgy handbooks I explore prospective versus retrospective writing practices, focusing on processes as well as results. The results will be of value for both the practice and teching of screenwriting.
LYCANTHROPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS I – Artistic Research on the Edge. Poetical Investigations on the Margins of Medicine and Mythology
author(s): Barbara Macek
published in: RUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
In this exposition on the peripheries of medicine and art I will enrole the concept of my project "Lycanthropus erythematosus" and the applied strategies of artistic research.
The essence of the work is the proposal of a new thesis concerning the understanding of autoimmune diseases, especially of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE, lupus).
SLE is a rare autoimmune disease characterised by acute and chronic inflammation of various tissues of the body. Its cause and pathogenesis are still unknown.
The work aims at providing new knowledge in regard to these open questions. Its thesis is exposed in different formats resulting from different strategies of artistic research. It proposes to understand autoimmunity as the expression of transformative processes that cause various physical and mental effects in the afflicted organism. This ongoing metamorphosis is driven by a plan: it is about the emerging of a new being – the Lycanthropus erythematosus.
Swedish Research Council
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): Swedish Research Council
connected to: The Swedish Research Council
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Swedish Research Council portal landing page, showing the yearbooks and researchers connected to the RC (work in progress).
Thy will be done. DOING Theology THROUGH Diffractive Methodology
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): Elisabeth Laasonen Belgrano
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
The overall purpose of this thesis is to perform and propose diffractive methodology as a means for exploring, reading, learning, and understanding systematic theological discourses beyond binary and oppositional thinking. This methodology is based on performative strategies and feminist new materialist theory, with a specific focus on Karen Barad’s ethico-onto-epistemological agential realism theory; it can also be considered an alternative to a more traditional academic reflexive methodological approach, thus allowing for an infinite number of explorative methods to be developed within its umbrella definition of diffractive methodology. The diffractive analysis in this study is shaped as an intra-active entangled reading of Graham Ward’s Engaged Theology, through Erika Fischer-Lichte’s Performance Aesthetics, and the method I call Voicing-as-Performative-Theology. This thesis is divided into three parts. Part I unfolds relevant terminology. Part II performs the actual diffractive reading analysis. Part III consists of a concluding essay summarizing the outcome of this study’s diffractive reading, as well as opening up suggestions for how diffractive methodology can be applied for developing more performative and diffractive methods as part of future theological research.
The thesis will be presented at University College Stockholm (EHS), in January 8 2024.
Figuring things out together: on the relationship between design and collective practice
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Anja Groten
connected to: Academy of Creative and Performing Arts
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This dissertation of Anja Groten explores matters of collectivity, drawing from the experience of working with the Amsterdam-based collective Hackers & Designers (H&D). The main thesis of this research is that conventional design vocabularies are not capable of sufficiently expressing and accounting for collectivities‘ resistance to fixation and stabilization. Collective design as it is discussed here challenges notions of individual authorship, differentiations between disciplines, between product and process or between the user and maker. While collectives shape particular affiliations and commitments, design approaches and aesthetics, they also require perspectives on working and designing together that resist linearity, and a progress-based understanding of a design process. By means of several case studies, it is argued that the fragmentation of social and work relations is as much a characteristic of collective practice as the effort to sustain long-term relationships.Thus, collective practice is not fully deliberate, at least not in the same way as for instance ‘teamwork’, ‘the commons’, or ‘cooperativism’, are purposeful organizational frameworks for living, working or being together. Collective Collective design processes take part in and are a result of particular (often fragile) socio-economic, socio-technical conditions that pervade and shape the ways collectives function.
Constellating Images
(last edited: 2021)
author(s): Quirijn Menken
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
By way of using contemporary Bilderatlases (Warburg) criticality towards visual culture is developed. Based on Delezue's concept of Difference and Repetition, an accordingly Pedagogy has been developed.
Artistic Research? A very short introduction
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Elisabeth Laasonen Belgrano
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Course introduction,
Master level in Performative Arts
(music/music drama/performance/theatre)