Shadows of Intimacy, collaboration with Jia Yu Corti
author(s): Zoe Panagiota (aka Betty) Nigianni
published in: Research Catalogue
Interactive digital art installation for dance performance in collaboration with choreographer Jia Yu Corti, London Contemporary Dance School (The Place), 2011.
Dance improvisation by Robert Anderson and Kathy Crick.
ANYWHERE ELSE BUT ME, art and introspection
author(s): Antonio Olaio
published in: Research Catalogue
Having Duchamp's epitaph as a starting point, the exposition “Nowhere else but me (art and introspection)” deals with some of the most constant aspects of my research as an artist, through series of paintings, videos, songs, where the relationship between art and self-awareness is more evident and plays a central role in their the conceptual process and in their conceptual scope. But here, instead of emphasizing a unique subjectivity, we realise that an artist’s subjectivity might be a place, a place anywhere. A public space, potencially ubiquitous, as both mind and images might be.
La Prospettiva is sucking reality
author(s): Antonio Olaio
published in: Research Catalogue
Visual an written essay exploring the conceptual scope of "La Prospettiva is sucking reality", a series of paintings, song and video I made in 2010.
It’s by following the idea that art is a construction of starting points, stimuli to mind, I reflect on my own work as an artist, or where my artistic work plays a central role on my seek for the understanding of the mechanisms of art and mind. Here exploring the conceptual possibilities raised by evoking "La Prospettiva", understanding the aesthetical experience as the place where image and reality become the same.