Etableringen av en norsk klavertradisjon: Interpretative trekk ved Edvard Griegs Ballade op. 24, Geirr Tveitts Sonate nr. 29 op. 129 og Fartein Valens Sonate nr. 2 op. 38.
author(s): Einar Røttingen
published in: Research Catalogue
The theme of this dissertation is three important Norwegian piano works. The dissertation includes a main text, a recording and a critical/practical edition of Valen’s Sonata no.2 op.38. By using a musicological/analytical and artistic approach, this dissertation aims to create a greater understanding for these three works as a part of a Norwegian and continental European piano tradition. The main text investigates the contents of the music and how the works are built. It looks at the performance indications in the score and performance practice traditions (historical recordings). References and allusions to other works in the same genres and to similar piano styles are discussed. By looking at possible autobiographical and metaphorical allusions, the dissertation aims at finding an understanding for the works’ origin and meaning. The critical and practical edition contributes for the first time to correct errors and unclear readings of the existing edition and presents a possible realization of Valen’s incomplete score. The main text also includes general criteria for the interpretative choices on the CD. (Norwegian version only, some parts are translated to English as articles)
One in Norway by One of Them: Vlogging for Classical Musicians
author(s): Ursula Skaug
published in: KC Research Portal
The internet is a promising place for musicians; one can promote and perform music for free, with possibly endless reach. Especially online video and streaming are booming spaces with many opportunities. Online music videos are often either recordings of a live performance, or they are an "online performance" from a musician who acts as if they are part of a regular live concert with an audience. However, the practices of regular concerts and online video are very different in nature. Perhaps online video requires a different way of engaging with the musical material within the video format. What if classical musicians created videos that emphasized the more casual and chatty style of the online platforms?
Through an iterative process I researched how classical musicians can use the vlog-style format with classical music and music theatre. In these vlogs I draw inspiration from the book "Three in Norway by Two of Them" and combine it with music by Julius Röntgen and Edvard Grieg. From this process I drew some conclusions and came up with a process for other musicians to try out this video format.