author(s): Bjørnar Habbestad, Michael Duch, Lene Grenager, Hild Sofie Tafjord
published in: VIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
Lemur spelar, skaper og kuraterer. Ensemblet arbeider som ein firehoda kropp, ei eining sett saman av sterke individ med eigne ambisjonar og agendaer, samstundes som alle har eit sterkt fokus på kreative gruppeprosessar. Lemuria er vårt fjerde verk i ein serie av prosjekt der titlar, konsept og strategiar frå det 20. århundre sin kunstmusikalske kanon blir omforma og gjenbrukt, i vårt bilde. Verket er ein konsertinstallasjon for ensemble, to songarar og live elektronikk, framført i ein spredt scenografi, for eit mobilt publikum. Verket vart bestilt av Borealisfestivalen og urframført i Grand Selskapslokaler i Bergen, 10.mars 2017.
Image as Site
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): ellenj
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Devices that produce images, such as cameras and microphones, invite their users to engage with the world by enabling a network of relationships. By appropriating the concept of field from certain discourses of sound art and applying it to the moving image, visual artist Ellen Røed explores, in a series of collaborations, how camera based field recordings might operate across experience, mediation and representation. By considering the moving image as a form of site in itself, the activities of the project consider how moving images can manifest as a form of place on its own terms rather than as a mode of representing reality. The project builds on the capacity of video based art for enabling movement, transience, and body, in other words elements of performance characteristic to site.
Image as Site is an artistic research project at Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH), funded by The Swedish Research Council and SKH.