Listening in/to Exile: Migration and Media Arts
author(s): Budhaditya Chattopadhyay
published in: VIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
This exposition responds to the current flux of migration and the resulting condition of estrangement. The projects – an augmented book project and a corresponding media artwork – respond to mass migration, hyper-mobility, placeless-ness and nomadism, which are blurring the boundaries between the local and the global, the corporeal and the digital, the private and the public. Through an exploration of the poetic and critical capacities embedded in everyday listening the two projects attempt to shed light on the aesthetics of addressing the notion of exile, alienation and estrangement. The exposition let the viewer/reader engage with the artistic matter; namely, the field recordings and on-site writings - artistic acts of poetic contemplation grounded in a personal experience of the urban alienation, with the aim of movement towards self-understanding and emancipation.
The cultural politics of pervasive drama: aural narrative, digital media and re-compositions of urban space
author(s): Eva Giraud
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
This article argues that pervasive drama has the capacity to illuminate the cultural politics of urban space, by highlighting microsociological power relations that shape everyday movement. It suggests that the medium does this in two ways: firstly, through its use of “pervasive sound narratives” that actively defamiliarize urban space and, secondly, through the auditory technologies that disseminate this narrative, which draw attention to everyday engagements with mobile media that are ordinarily beneath our notice. These arguments respond to Anderson’s call for further research into the “productive listening potentials” of aural narrative (Anderson 2012), by exploring specific ways that pervasive drama can foster more meaningful and politically-engaged experiences of place. Drawing on The Memory Dealer as a case-study, narrative extracts and focus group findings from the drama are used to illustrate pervasive drama’s specific, politicised “listening potentials”.
Auditory Situation
(last edited: 2016)
author(s): Budhaditya Chattopadhyay
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Auditory Situation is a concept that drives a series of works in the domain of sound art. An auditory situation can be understood as a fluid frame of contingent juxtapositions and occurrences in the context of navigation through sounds. It is comprised of happenings and chance emergences from transient interaction with everyday sounds leaving traces of complex, nebulous and intermingling ‘Object-disoriented' impressions in sonic perception.