Skendöd/Suspended animation [27 October - 2020-11-13 10:08]
author(s): Bella Rune
published in: Research Catalogue
Samband, översättningar och läckage mellan handskapade objekt och digitala formuleringar. Kopplingar mellan textilen och det digitala undersöks genom skulptur. Metoder för gestaltning av konstnärlig forskning genom utställning.
The variables that affect colour in the digital textile printing process
author(s): Becky Gooby
published in: Research Catalogue
The development of digital printing is a major change within the textile design process as a designer is no longer restricted to number of colours, repeat patterns, and may include photographic images and intricate detail. With digital print it is now possible to print anything between a metre, or hundreds of metres, at the click of a button.
However, there is a marked difference between screen-colour and print colour. A textiles designer using Computer Aided Design (CAD) to create a design will be required to experiment with a number of variables in order to feel more confident about the outcome when using digital fabric printing.
Concepts of Embodiment in Interdisciplinary Work Within a Musical Context
author(s): Sarah Albu
published in: KC Research Portal
Integrated musical experiences have long existed, previous to and outside of the traditional concert music setting. Interdisciplinary approaches to performance creation are becoming more accepted and more common in academic music contexts. This research asks the question "How does the concept of embodiment serve the creation of interdisciplinary work within a musical context?", examined through the lens of definitions of embodiment, spinning, technology, community, and inter/multidisciplinary vs. intermediality and expanded through case studies of two of the author's recent performance works.
Textile Awareness
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): HANNA felting
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
To create positive Textile Awareness I will be researching the relationship and interaction of consumers with clothing and textiles.
With the intention to encourage people to recycle clothing and shop less.
Inspire people to think critically about their purchases and create awareness about the consequences of clothing choices for the environment.
I want to make a joint impact so that clothing and textiles are no longer treated as waste products. More than half of old textiles in the Netherlands are not recycled but thrown out with the garbage. And thus into the incinerator.
Global warming is perhaps the greatest challenge of our time. What can the consumer change in his behavior towards clothing and textiles? That is the question that concerns me.
How to make fashion sustainable?
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Laura Garnier
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
During the past few years I tried to change my way of consumption wether it is food or fashion. I believe in sustainability working together with fashion and textile. In fact they are the second most polluant industry after petrol. In our society, fast fashion, but also fast/overconsumption became normal and we only see the tip of the iceberg. Once we realize the amount of energy, work, products, etc... it takes to make one piece of fabric or even a t-shirt for example, it is obvious that it has to change. I develop some techniques myself to try and be more sustainable without having to cut out the pleasure of buying clothes and following trends.