Carvings at Stechlin
author(s): Björn Kröger
published in: Research Catalogue
Nearly five hundred beech trees at Lake Stechlin, Germany have markings. The oldest of these grafitti reach back into the 1920s. Some are from the NS era, many are from 1950s to 1980s. I wanted to know what these signs can tell us about the history of the lake and its visitors.
Behind the back of Linnaeus - Bakom ryggen på Linné
author(s): Annette Arlander
published in: RUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
This bilingual exposition presents parts of the artistic research project “Performing with Plants”, video works created through repeated visits to a sycamore in Humlegården and a beech in Djurgården during the year 2017, and discusses the notion ecology of practices introduced by Isabelle Stengers. The exposition consists of an essay, the video works, and some working notes from the process as an appendix.
Denna tvåspråkiga exposition presenterar delar av det konstnärliga forskningsprojektet ”Att uppträda med växter”, videoarbeten som skapats genom upprepade besök hos en tysklönn i Humlegården och en bok på Djurgården under år 2017, och diskuterar begreppet praktikernas ekologi som introducerats av Isabelle Stengers. Expositionen består av en essä, videoverken, och några arbetsanteckningar från processen som bilaga.