I HAVE THE MOON: aesthetics of contemporary classical music from a composer-performer band retreat.
author(s): Samuel Penderbayne
published in: Research Catalogue
The artistic research project I HAVE THE MOON was an experimental group activity or 'band retreat' for five composer-performers resulting in a public performance in the aDevantgarde Festival, 2019, in Munich. Research was conducted around a central research question stated verbally at the outset of the project: how can aesthetic innovations of contemporary classical music be made accessible to audiences without specialist education or background via communicative techniques of other music genres? After a substantial verbal discussion and sessions of musical jamming, each member created an artistic response to the research question, in the form of a composition or comprovisation, which the group then premiered in the aDevantgarde Festival. The results of the discussion, artistic works and final performance (by means of a video documentation) were then analysed by the project leader and presented in this article. The artistic research position is defined a priori through the research question, during the artistic process in the form of note-taking and multimedial documentation, and a posteriori through a (novel) 'Workflow-Tool-Application Analysis' (WTAA). Together, a method of 'lingocentric intellectual scaffolding' on the emobided knowledge inside the creative process is proposed. Insofar as this embodied knowledge can be seen as a 'field' to be researched, the methodology is built on collaborative autoethnography, 'auto-', since the project leader took part in the artistic process, guiding it from within.
A List of Greek composers with works for the oboe or for the instruments of the oboe family (list - under update)
author(s): Christos Tsogias-Razakov
published in: Research Catalogue
During doctoral research at the University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki - Greece), in collaboration with the Ionian University (Corfu - Greece), the Ph.D. thesis under the title "Works for Oboe by Greek Composers: Public Performance and Recording, Cataloguing, Indexing" have been included in the catalogue of works of the oboe family of instruments (during the third academic year - January 2023) four hundred and thirty-one works (431) in total. In the following list (under progress) are published, for the first time, the names of the Greek composers in alphabetical order who composed musical works for the oboe family of instruments.
author(s): Christos Tsogias-Razakov - Χρήστος Τσόγιας-Ραζάκοβ
published in: Research Catalogue
Κατά την διάρκεια της εκπόνησης της διδακτορικής διατριβής στο Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας (Θεσσαλονίκη), σε συνεργασία με το Ιόνιο Πανεπιστήμιο (Κέρκυρα), με τίτλο “Έργα Ελλήνων συνθετών για όμποε: δημόσια εκτέλεση και ηχογράφηση, καταγραφή, ευρετηρίαση”. Έχουν συμπεριληφθεί στον κατάλογο έργων της οικογένειας οργάνων του όμποε (κατά την διάρκεια του τρίτου ακαδημαϊκού έτους - Ιανουάριος 2023), συνολικά τετρακόσια είκοσι-οκτώ έργα (428). Στην ακόλουθη αρχική λίστα, σημειώνονται τα ονοματεπώνυμα των Ελλήνων συνθετών σε αλφαβητική σειρά, που συνέθεσαν μουσικά έργα για την οικογένεια οργάνων του όμποε.
Eight to Infinite
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Alex Jovcic-Sas
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Eight to Infinite is an exciting collaborative project between electronic artist Afrodeutsche and PhD researcher, Alex Jovčić-Sas. The aim is to revise two unknown historical composers, Gertrud Grunow (Bauhaus) and Daphne Oram (BBC), by writing, recording, and performing a new work that uses their archival materials combined with contemporary digital compositional tools. Grunow and Oram worked with optical sound as a process for composing music, specifically focusing on colours and shapes as compositional tools. They both have been largely overlooked within their respective institutional histories and this project will bring to life their unique and rich compositional practices.
Eight to Infinite took place on the 7th of October 2021, at the Space at Nottingham Contemporary. Eight to Infinite was generously funded by Arts Council England, Midlands4Cities, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham Contemporary, and PRS Foundation.