Foro No.1 Nodos Activos (2022)
author(s): Yamil Hasbun Chavarría, Pamela Jiménez Jiménez
published in: Research Catalogue
As the first intermittent forum (or Foro No.1) of the Nodos Activos project, 4 activities were carried out with the participation of Dr. Adriana Raggi, Lic. María Sánchez, and Mstr. Rubén Cerillo from UNAM, Mexico; and Dr. Alejandra Cano and Mag. Diego Romero from the National Pedagogical University of Colombia. Colleagues from Mexico physically visited Costa Rica for the activities, while the later Colombian academics did so digitally. In addition, the Foro No.1 counted with the participation of students, academics and graduates of the four different Centro de Investigación, Docencia y Extensión artística, CIDEA (Spanish for Research, Teaching and Artistic Extension Center). All activities took place on May 19, 20 and 23, 2022.
All participating academics in this forum belong to the Arts and Design Research Network (INV+ART+DIS) in which the Nodos Activos project team is an active member since 2021.
author(s): Mika Elo
published in: Journal for Artistic Research
The exposition presents two installations—Mitä uutta kivistä?/Anything new about stones? (2017) and LAB-O(U)RATORY (2019)—and enfolds them in a series of repetitive gestures that stage their methodical entanglement. Both of the installations explore and articulate the research potential of expanded writing. At stake is the ecology of attention in a setting that thematises the co-existence of different modes of articulation, interlinked spatial and temporal arrangements as well as their associative mechanisms. What happens when a spatial constellation is presented on a medially formatted time line? How to focus one’s attention in an associatively saturated literary space? Rather than attaching itself to an already existing theoretical framework or meta-discussions on artistic research, the exposition aims at explicating a singular artistic framework and its constellated structure.