No Show
author(s): Steinunn Knúts Önnudóttir
published in: Research Catalogue
This exposition contains six letters about the work No-Show that was performed in Reykjavík in 2020. The performance is a part of the artistic PhD research "How Little is Enough?" Sustainable Methods of Performance for Transformative Encounters in Malmö Theatre Academy at Lund University. The letters address different aspects of my artistic practice and research such as motivation, method, affect, ethics and the findings.
No Show is a series of five immersive participatory performances, solitary experiences performed in five private homes in different neighbourhoods of Reykjavík in June – August 2020.
Transformative Encounters Podcast
author(s): Steinunn Knúts Önnudóttir
published in: Research Catalogue
"Transformative Encounters" is a podcast series dedicated to the exploration and unpacking of the concept "performative encounters" within the realm of contemporary performance and how it can be understood. This series forms an integral part of the knowledge dissemination deriving from the artistic research project How Little is Enough? that is centered on sustainability and social change, conducted at the Malmö Theatre Academy by Steinunn Knúts Önnudóttir under the umbrella of Agenda 2030 a transdisciplinary Graduate School within Lund University. In the podcast, Steinunn extends invitations to european artists and theorists, fostering performative encounters where they engage in in-depth discussions and multifaceted explorations of this concept from diverse perspectives.
The podcast series is edited and produced by Steinunn Knúts Önnudóttir with the support of Inter Arts Centre at Lund University and Malmö Theatre Academy.
Music: Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir
Pleased to Meet you
author(s): Steinunn Knúts Önnudóttir
published in: Research Catalogue
This exposition is a documentation and dissection of the work Pleased to Meet You, a performative encounter with the more-than-human. The work has been presented in two editions, at Lokal/RDF, Reykjavík, Iceland, November 2022, and at IAC, Malmö,Sweden, March 2023.
The exposition examines the relations specific elements of the work and connects it to the artistic PhD research "How Little is Enough?" Sustainable Methods of Performance for Transformative Encounters in Malmö Theatre Academy at Lund University.
author(s): Steinunn Knúts Önnudóttir
published in: Research Catalogue
The exposition is a documentation and dissection of the performance Eyja/Island that was peformed in 2020. The performance is a part of the artistic PhD research "How Little is Enough?" Sustainable Methods of Performance for Transformative Encounters in Malmö Theatre Academy at Lund University.
It contains a video essay about the process of creating the work that describes both motivation and methods, a manuscript, photographs of the performance and a video interview with Gréta Kristín Ómarsdóttir a co-creator of the work.
Eyja is a piece about what it means to belong; what ties a person to a community or a place and what kind of commitment it requires to be a part of something.
The challenges of the island reflect the global challenges of current times. In the performance guests are invited to critically investigate their own ideas on what it means to belong.
The guests are invited to mirror themselves in a staged journey through the life and values of the islanders. Through walks, observations, genuine exchange, symbolic gestures and structured dialogue, topics on quality of life on the ´island´ are contemplated.