Magic and sorcery as creative methodology
author(s): Carolina Albuquerque
published in: Research Catalogue
Studies in art production using sorcery, magic and rituals to access the unconsciousness and engage art production and performances. As part of the PhD research and as result of the class of Actual Thought in Arts, this publication aims to demonstrate the possibilities of utilizing ancestral practices to contribute to the creative process. To achieve this, themes such as the unconscious, magic and sorcery, mythology, and decolonialism are intricately connected to the development of art and performance in this context. There is no way to disconnect one area from the other. When discussing magic, it is essential to understand the reasons for its marginalization. Magic has been utilized in numerous rituals, and rituals can be viewed as performances of artistic actions that permeate our unconscious.
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): Alice Martucci
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CARDS are writings for, around and with elements of my artistic research which have taken shapes and found names during the two years of my master in choreography at the Danish National School for Performing Arts in Copenhagen.