I lost time and space. Where am I? – Erzählen von chronischen Schmerzen
author(s): Tabea Rothfuchs
published in: Journal for Artistic Research
Was passiert mit der inneren und äusseren Welt eines Menschen, wenn kein medizinisches Verfahren den Ursprung des erlebten Schmerzes (mehr) zu entziffern vermag? Wenn der Schmerz zum eigenständigen Krankheitsbild 'Chronischer Schmerz' geworden ist?
In einer Dialogserie mit Schmerzpatient*innen und Schmerzspezialist*innen erforsche ich in dieser Untersuchung – als Künstlerin und Schmerzerinnernde –, wie chronische Schmerzen das Leben beeinflussen, verändern und welchen Raum sie im Leben der betroffenen und behandelnden Menschen einnehmen. Oder als Kernfrage formuliert: Liegen Menschen mit chronischen Schmerzen im Leben anderer Menschen, in unserer Sozialstruktur und dem politischen System überhaupt drin?
What happens to a person’s inner and outer world when no medical procedure is able to (further) decipher the origin of an ongoing perceived pain? When pain becomes an independent clinical picture called 'chronic pain'? In a series of dialogues with pain patients and specialists, I investigate in this study – as an artist as well as someone who remembers an episode of chronic pain – how chronic pain influences and changes lives and what space it takes in the lives of people affected and those providing treatment. Or expressed as a central question: Is there room for people with chronic pain in the lives of other people, our social structure and the political system at all?
Between Agony and Ecstasy: Investigations into the Meaning of Pain
author(s): Barbara Macek
published in: Journal for Artistic Research
Pains are moving, alluring us to world-making-activities, attuning our bodies with other bodies and therefore putting us in relation to others. Pains cut into our net of habits, and even the slightest pain causes a transformation. Pains are crushing, deeply distressing, showing us our limitations – but also our capability to go beyond our limits, to outgrow ourselves.
In the course of my literary research for this project I generated 10 PAIN CATEGORIES that I derived from poems, philosophical and literary texts on pain, and my own experiences. These poetical/pictorial categories differ profoundly from pain categories as they are to be found in common pain questionnaires: They refer to the existential dimension of pain and do not differentiate between physical and mental pain in order to overcome the myth of this dichotomy. The next step of my project consisted in going into the field to look at, imagine and feel into pain. I conducted methodical observations in the casualty departments of two Viennese hospitals and developed my own method of "self-reflective observation in the mode of seeing/feeling". The assemblages as part of this exposition present the results of these investigations and reconstruct different perspectives on PAIN as an EXISTENTIAL PHENOMENON.
Listening to the Body Moving: Auscultation, Sound, and Music in the Early Nineteenth Century
author(s): Janina Wellmann
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
This paper explores the sounds of the body in an era before sound could be recorded as sound, the first half of the nineteenth century. Focusing on the French physician René Théophile Laennec’s study of cardiac disease and in particular his use of auscultation, it asks how the early nineteenth century conceived of a sounding living body, specifically how auscultation and body sounds produced new knowledge about the body, health, and disease. I show that Laennec thought of the body and the heart in terms of a musical instrument, and argue that the limits to auscultation’s diagnostic power lay not so much in its inability fully to explain disease as in Laennec’s analogy of body and musical instrument, medical understanding and musical skill. This soon gave way to a new understanding and soundscape of the body, as nineteenth-century physiologists investigated the body with instruments that could penetrate the body ever more deeply.
Desenho e Observação para Médicos
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Marina Vale Guedes
connected to: i2ADS - Research Institute in Art, Design and Society
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Desenho e observação para médicos é uma Unidade Curricular de Competências Transversais que promove o ensino do desenho, adaptado aos estudantes de medicina e medicina dentária da Universidade do Porto. Esta UC desafia os estudantes a reconhecerem a importância do desenho e da sua linguagem visual como um instrumento de apoio à aprendizagem enquadrado na sua formação académica. Considerando que o ensino da Medicina se apoia na observação do corpo humano e das imagens que o representam, a prática do desenho pode tornar-se útil não só no entendimento da Anatomia, mas também como uma ferramenta importante de comunicação entre médicos e pacientes. A possibilidade de entender e comunicar construindo as próprias imagens contribui para consolidar e complementar competências cognitivas e comunicacionais relevantes para as suas áreas de formação. O desenvolvimento desta UC está integrado no projeto de investigação DRAWinU – Drawing Across University Borders (i2ADS-FBAUP).
Drawing and observation for doctors is a course of drawing specially created for medicine and dentistry students at the University of Porto. This course challenges students to recognize the importance of drawing and its visual language as a learning tool to support their academic training. Considering that teaching within medicine context is based on the observation of the human body and the images that represent it, the practice of drawing can become useful not only in understanding anatomy but also as an important tool for communication between doctors and patients. The possibility of understanding and communicating through their images helps to consolidate and complement cognitive and communication skills relevant to their areas of training. The development of this course is part of the research project DRAWinU – Drawing Across University Borders (i2ADS-FBAUP).