Where are the Ears of the Machine? Towards a sounding micro-temporal object-oriented ontology
author(s): Morten Riis
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
Drawing on micro-temporal media archaeology paired with object-oriented ontology, this paper will develop new ideas regarding non-human conceptualizations of sounding media, memory, time, and sound objects. Studying the way in which music machines collect and store auditory data enables us to get closer to the inner functioning and self-reflections of our sounding apparatuses, creating alternative perspectives on mediated representation and the various temporal processes unfolding within technology. Thus an interweaving of object-oriented ontology and media archaeology is unfolded, taking its starting point in a practical engagement with electro-magnetic recording devices which execute what could be described as applied ontology, something that generates awareness of the moment when media themselves become active archaeologists of knowledge.
O≡Cyan – for a dark holism to matter
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): TM
connected to: Konstfack - University of Arts, Crafts and Design
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Cyan and cyanides and their connected substances, organisms, and processes, constitute subject matter and material subject for the practice-based inquiry of O≡Cyan. Cyan emerges in photochemical and photosynthetic processes imaging us: the CMYK colour space, cyanide poison, cyanobacteria, and cyanotype. Cyanide capsules, cyanobacterial algal bloom and cyanide leaching in gold mining mark their outermost horizon.
Researched with a dark holistic approach, matter, method and medium are conceptually integrated and intrinsic to each other and can give rise to a critical mass of dark holistic and cyanotopic worlding – a network of narratives, phenomena, and matter. methods on the basis of dark materiality surrounding us planetary and concerning us personally, directed towards a History of Darkness - a slowly growing ABC, or material essay for Cyan and cyanides and its dark effects.