Territorial Art, Design & Architecture
author(s): Sergio Montero Bravo
connected to: Konstfack - University of Arts, Crafts and Design
published in: VIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
This collaborative and cross-sectoral project addresses places, environments and spaces beyond mere functional urban endeavors. The project explores possibilities that become visible when public space is viewed from perspectives beyond the urban norm. The aim is to restore lost rural relations and to search for ways to leave the anthropocentric narrative. In the past, densification of cities has been considered synonymous with sustainable development, creativity and innovation. However, a one-sided urban focus leads to disarmament of rural habitats, and dissociation from human interdependence with non-human nature. Today, adaptation to global warming is dependent on the survival of the rural. Therefore, this artistic research project is primarily informed by activities in rural environments together with species and ecologies other than human and urban. The goal is to investigate how art, design and architectural interventions can foster oppositional narratives to anthropocentricity. What I present in this exposition are my most recent collaborations and a journey of professional metamorphosis to reach this goal. The result is a series of ongoing projects and processes that demonstrate how I explore places of communality, togetherness and mutual beneficial interdependency between species.
The Lost and Found project: Imagineering Fragmedialities
author(s): Jenny Sunesson
published in: VIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
The Lost and Found project began as an attempt to challenge my own sound making in opposition to a linear, capitalist, narrative tradition, dominated by visual culture.
I wanted to explore the possibilities of sound as a counterpart material risking our perception of what sound is and what it can do.
To reach beyond my own aesthetic and sociocultural baggage, I started to experiment with chance operated live performance as a method.
By multilayering uncategorised sound scraps the work emerged to “produce itself” and I began to catch glimpses of alternative sound worlds and sites.
I called the method fragmenturgy (fragmented dramaturgy) and the alternative realities that were created; fragmedialities (fragmented mediality, fragmented reality).
Hands caring with mortars: soundscape regarding caring activities (nourishment) of Extremadura’s rurality from a gender perspective. Ajoblanco Quartett
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Carmen García-Gil Simancas
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This research studies daily experiences of caring activities (nourishment) through sound. The aim is to reclaim their value and place within academic studies and epistemology, as well as to document those customs that are slowly fading away. Specifically, it has been chosen the elaboration of ajoblanco (typical south-Spanish food), as it is traditionally prepared with a wood mortar. This object is also used as a musical instrument in Extremadura’s traditional music, which reveals the curiosity around its sound. Furthermore, this research considers spaces and the way of thinking of them from a sound point of view. In conclusion, rural women’s individuality and subjectivity is studied through different ways of making ajoblanco and its soundcape.
Keywords: soundscape, subjectivity, caring activities, spaces
Critique and the Cypriot Summer / Kral çıplak / Ήνταμπου κάμνουμεν δαμέ;
(last edited: 2017)
author(s): Chrystalleni Loizidou, Marinos Houtris
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
About this project
output from Critique and the Cypriot Summer,
an artist residency in the village of Lofou
4/7/2016 - 9/7/2016
Nurtane Karagil
Hayal Gezer
Marinos Houtris
Chrystalleni Loizidou
Invited by
Xarkis & Confrontation Through Art
with the support (in no special order) of
Re Aphrodite
Point Centre for Contemporary Art
Pater Theofanis