environment embodiment - towards poetic narratives
author(s): Fernanda Branco
published in: Research Catalogue
This exposition presents the PhD Artistic Research project environment embodiment - towards poetic narratives by Fernanda Branco at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (2020-2024).
This artistic research explores experiential agency in encounters between body and environment. It draws from uncanny, embodied, and poetic perspectives and unfolds as a constellation of sympoietic practices.
PhD Supervisors:
Rebecca Hilton - Stockholm University of the Arts (2021-2024)
Gunhild Mathea Olaussen - KHiO (2021-2022)
Dora Garcia - KHiO (2023-2024)
Fernanda Branco has designed this exposition in collaboration with web designer Ellen Palmeira.
Illustrations by Aza
Drawings by Francisco Blixt
Cards and booklets designed by Amanda Costa
SUPER(IM)POSITIONS: Subverting Melodramatic Representation Through Personal Unpredictability
author(s): Emilio Santoyo
published in: Research Catalogue
This Artistic Research in and through cinema explores the possibilities of using outdated melodramatic elements of cinematic representation in a new way, dissolving the intersection between the personal and the fictional as a tool for creating a redemptive act of filmmaking. "Super (im) positions: Subverting melodramatic representation through personal unpredictability" delves into the transformative potential of these elements within cinematic representation. By dissolving the boundaries between the personal and the fictional, this work engages in a redemptive act of filmmaking that reimagines melodrama. The approach employs a contemporary, polyphonic, and playful film language to propose a new form of melodrama—one that acknowledges its inherent perversity to challenge and deconstruct its toxic narratives.
Rooted in the pervasive influence of telenovelas and melodrama, particularly within Mexican culture, this exploration questions and critiques the genre's impact on cultural and individual perceptions of love and relationships. The research was catalysed by a significant personal and professional rupture, leading to a critical examination of the genre's conventions.
By employing a contemporary, polyphonic, and playful film language, Santoyo reimagines melodrama as a genre capable of portraying complex, personal emotions and generating critical, boundary-pushing narratives. This self-reflective genre deviation, temporarily termed the "New Melodrama," seeks to subvert traditional melodramatic tropes by acknowledging and confronting their perverse nature. Through this approach, Santoyo aims to dismantle the toxic knowledge perpetuated by conventional melodrama, offering a sophisticated and nuanced critique from within the genre itself. His work presents a trojan horse strategy, using the familiar systems of melodramatic representation to question and ultimately transform them, proposing a relevant and self-aware cinematic experience.
Through innovative use of superimpositions and a deliberate deconstruction of melodramatic mise-en-scène, this study aims to create a critical and self-reflective genre deviation termed "New Melodrama." This method seeks to subvert traditional cinematic conventions by integrating multiple perspectives and temporalities, fostering a richer, more complex narrative experience. Ultimately, the research stands as a trojan horse within the film industry, using the very mechanics of melodrama to critique and reinvent it, offering a fresh, introspective take on a genre often dismissed as superficial.
Throws of Dice
author(s): Henna-Riikka Halonen
published in: University of the Arts Helsinki
My doctoral research project is a speculative spatial construct, an alternative labyrinthic infrastructure that is flexibly built within and as a response to the artworks it houses.
Existing in tension with the framework affecting it, the artworks and the texts leak out from the structure and are performed in and around the physical floorplan. This format renders the configuration of the research project visible and temporary, with the potential to be reformulated and adapted to future contexts. The labyrinthic structure allows the research to go off in different directions, enabling us to consider the multiple perspectives and modes of writing that constitute its story and the complex infrastructures that might support it.
As a strategy for artistic, social and political engagement and a reaction to a contemporary condition in which our claim to the positions we occupy is increasingly simplified, my research project creates a space of thinking, imagination and resistance. By confusing the functionality of language, it aims to make visible the power dynamics and infrastructures shaping our world. The notion of power is two-fold, the research examines, on the one hand, the complexity of human interactions and positions concerning hegemonic power structures and on the other hand, the relationship between the visual and the verbal and experience and affect.
A number of defining characteristics of our contemporary condition are matters of concern; the speed of the networked globalized economy, the control enacted by states and categorization and exclusion of culture. In artistic research (and the networked world as a whole) there is often a tendency to adopt an overarching view which seeks to unify under a single concept a multiplicity of events. However, here the strategy is to do away with the reductive way of doing theory and instead, to dismantle hierarchical relationships between categories. My research project also contributes to the genealogies of participatory practices and to bridge the gap between language and visual art, I am tapping into similarities and differences of a kind of a virtual staging offered by literature, visual art and digital technologies. I draw from literary strategies of speculative fiction, in particular, those of the French Nouveau Roman.
By using chance, paradox (aporia) and uncertainty as guiding principles and as revelatory tools this research endeavours to deconstruct and divert perception and language, emphasizing absurdity and creating sense rather than meaning. More particularly, the research constantly explores its own limits and reflects its involvement with the social and political structures it is addressing to create or anticipate new modes of existence.
This project requires the reader/viewer's active participation, leaving holes or unknowns in the narrative structure that moves through entangled nodes of connections and different temporalities to suggest alternative and expansive forms of viewing and making art and research.
The research uses my installation/performance Eden The Pow(d)er of Fear (2014) as a frame structure, both as a physical blueprint of a labyrinth and as a story. This approach is not intended as a retrospective view towards the work but proposes instead a speculative re-writing and re-scripting of a work that offers new 'portals' to other works and worlds, through other narrative and theoretical threads opening up new perspectives, concerns, times and spaces. The other works embedded in the structure are the moving image works Moderate Manipulations (2012) and Placeholder (2017).
Scylla’s Opulent Noise Generator (S.O.N.G.)
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): Scylla’s Opulent Noise Generator (S.O.N.G.)
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Scylla’s Opulent Noise Generator (S.O.N.G.) is a collective of multi-disciplinary artists living and working in different time zones. S.O.N.G. believes in collectivity to build worlds and imagine art for the future. SONG’s core members are Rut Karin Zettergren (FI), Choterina Freer (U.K.) and Anna Kinbom (SE).With three core members, they regularly expand the framework: inviting multiple artists into their polymorphic practice.
S.O.N.G.’s art practice takes many forms such as: collective drawing and writings; video installations; game creation; performances; seminars; and rituals. Past exhibitions and performances include BFI London Film Festival, Woven Places, AR-exhibition by Swedish Art Associations, Futureless Festival in Stockholm, Tallinn Feminist Forum, and Work Hard! Play Hard! Minsk. With 0s+1s Collective (2013-19) which focus was cyberfeminism they exhibited in Casa Victor Hugo, Cuba, Södertälje konsthall, Göteborgs konsthall and Gotlands Konstmuseum.
NetGenXYZ - The End of the Technological Drift
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): ILAR
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Thesis of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2023
Interfaculty of ArtScience (BA)
'There are days where I am no more than my digital self, and no matter how much I might resist my own digitalization, there seems to be no escape from the oppressive, non-democratic grip technology has on me. The flowing sea of unpredictable consequences might soon be narrowing to a rapid stream of discrete existences, living happily ever after in what will be called “lossless” compression.'