The Rhythms of Harmony in Space
author(s): Ferdinand Schwarz
Limited publication. Only visible to members of the portal : NMH Student Portal
When sounds meet in space, they interact with each other, they diffract, change, and create new ones - these artefacts are always present, have always been heard, but here they become the music itself. Creating a space of both extreme clarity and overwhelming complexity, they lay bare a music that exists within our perception of steady sounds, a music that listeners create themselves through listening in space.
What forms of creating, performing, and listening can be developed by making the phenomenon of wave interference my main musical material? And what implications can this phenomenon have as a figuration for the entities involved in performing and listening?
Documentation related to my master project
author(s): Andrius Bartkus
Limited publication. Only visible to members of the portal : NMH Student Portal
Submission of documentation of public performances, reflection paper and project description
Masterprosjekt: SOLOALBUM
author(s): Ferdinand Ingskog Bergstrøm
Limited publication. Only visible to members of the portal : NMH Student Portal
Prosjektet har skapt et soloalbum basert på improvisasjoner med tilknytning til samtidens økologiske utfordringer. Innspilling bygger videre på materialet fra utpro-prosjektet «Forprosjekt Soloalbum» og har hatt som mål å utforske resultatet av friimprovisasjon med utenom-musikalske konseptuelle utgangspunkt. Selve albumet har blitt en blanding av konsepter og intuitive improvisasjoner som er kontekstualisert av titler, biler og tekst i en tilhørende booklet. Historiefortelling og det instrumenttekniske er viktige stikkord for prosjektet.
Merging Identities: Developing a personal approach to solo performance through Nordic folk music and improvisation
author(s): Zosha Warpeha
Limited publication. Only visible to members of the portal : NMH Student Portal
In this exposition, I address the development of a solo performance practice that synthesizes improvisation, composition, and an embodied knowledge of Nordic folk music. Through the study of traditional hardingfele repertoire, improvisatory exploration, and the development of a distinct lexicon of instrumental technique, I have cultivated a highly personal framework for solo performance, demonstrating how the practice of a musical tradition can be used as a methodology to expand and inspire one's artistic voice. This exposition provides an overview of my artistic research process, performance recordings, and reflections on music and identity throughout this study of tradition and innovation.
author(s): Oskar Johnsen Rydh
Limited publication. Only visible to members of the portal : NMH Student Portal
Oskar Johnsen Rydh - Master
Skulle tro veien var lettere å gå nå som den er asfaltert
author(s): Ada Odegard Risberg
Limited publication. Only visible to members of the portal : NMH Student Portal
En utforskning av låtskrivingsverktøy og metoder i prosess mot å skrive et album