Polifonia project, Principal Investigator:
Teunis Van Der ZwartResearch on the life and work of Giovanni Punto (1746-1803), hornplayer, composer, conductor, violinist; who traveled Europe as a virtuoso on the horn, performing his own concerti and chamber music as a cor basse (low horn) player.
Practice-as-research on the following topics:
The cor basse player as soloist.
Advantages of the use of a (silver) cor solo.
Advantages of the wider mouthpiece that was standard for cor basse players.
Use of multiphonics on the (natural) horn.
Search for other than horn music from this composer.
Great plan, but I think you should narrow it down to something a bit smaller, like a scene, and do that really well. Otherwise the organisation will make up for a lot of time you also need for other things.